Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Prayer for Freshmen

Lord, I lift up before you the incoming freshmen. I pray that you would bless the end of their summer as you prepare them to enter campus life. I pray for ease of packing and safe travels. I pray for good time with their families before they leave, and that you would calm anxious hearts, including their parents'.

I pray for good and healthy roommate relationships; I pray you would provide lifelong friendships starting in the very first days on campus. I pray that these students would make wise decisions with their new freedom. I pray for purity and the resistance of temptation. I know that they have a target on their backs as they step on campus; please protect them from the Enemy.

Would you open up doors for our students to meet many freshmen and invite them to be a part of our community? Help us all to be obedient and make the most of every opportunity to pursue relationships with these new students. I pray for genuine love and grace to be extended. I pray for faithful students, that they would learn what it means to be committed and responsible adults.

I pray that in this first year on campus, you would draw these freshmen into a relationship with you and allow us to help them grow acquainted with you, their Savior. May this not just be their first year of college, but their first year of knowing their Creator, the lover of their souls.

You know every detail of every freshman who is about to walk on the Florida State Campus. You love them more than we ever could; I pray you would reveal this love to them. I pray for their classes and studies, but I pray that they would learn more about your unquenchable love for them than anything else this year.

Thank you for these students and the blessing of being called to follow you and be a fisher of men.