Friday, July 23, 2010

Stories from the Road

I just got back from an 8 day road trip. The trip was primarily a way to share the vision for next year with many friends in Florida, Georgia, and Tennessee. It was a great trip, and it's so cool to see that as I was dropping off a vision, I was also picking up little lessons along the way.

My first stop was in Orlando. I wanted to sit down with one of my oldest friends, Michelle, and share my heart with her. She already knew most of the things I had to tell her, because she has been there throughout it all. But it was so great to really lay out the journey of how God has brought me to this point, and how she has been a part of it and can continue to be! What I didn't know as I was sharing with her was that she had already committed to give online! The Lord is so faithful! How crazy is it that He already provides for me before I even do my part? As I reflect, that's one thing I'm learning in new ways is that God is more faithful than I could ever be or ever imagine. PTL.

Another lesson I learned in Orlando was that part of being faithful is being flexible. I had also asked Michelle
if she knew of any of her friends that would be interested in hearing more about what I'll be doing next year and the ministry at FSU. She went above and beyond what I had hoped for in putting together a group of her friends from small groups at church, and even made a Facebook event to invite people. Well, as the day got closer, more and more people had last minute plans and couldn't come. I was starting to feel slightly discouraged about that, but was determined to make the most of it: I was going to remain faithful, even if no one showed up. That night was originally going to be a small group presentation with desserts, but only one of Michelle's friends ended up being available and able to come. I was excited to have someone to share with! However, time began to be against me- this friend of Michelle's had only a limited time to stay. In the end, I only had about 45 minutes to meet, get to know, and share with this woman. But I was so encouraged! She is so sweet- also a teacher- so we had plenty to talk about. I was only able to give her the abridged version of my presentation to share the main points and God's vision and call on my life. At the end I asked her how I could be praying for her, and we were connected in yet another way. She shared with me about a friend who has cancer and is not doing too well. She couldn't even speak; this is one of her dearest friends. I know all too well what her heart is feeling and it was a joy to sit there and pray with her.

Praise God that the funding journey is truly a ministry in itself! I really love to love people, and this summer has been filled with opportunities not just to share with friends, but to encourage and love them as well. Would you believe that even though I just met this woman for only 45 minutes and shared only briefly about what the ministry is all about, the day after I got back to Tampa I received a gift in the mail from her! How amazing.

After spending about 2 days in Orlando with Michelle and some other friends, I headed
up to Atlanta, GA! Jackie, my closest friend, just moved up to live in Atlanta with her family after finishing her two years with the EDGE Corps. She is working this summer at a science camp, so I arrived just after she finished for the day. Our time was short because I had to leave the next day, but we made the most of our time and it was a great visit! We had dinner with her family and then went out to Dairy Queen to catch up. Obviously, spending time with Jackie is always encouraging, and this visit was no different. We got to share stories about what's been going on, and I got to hear about the most recent developments in her search for a full time teaching job in the fall. We got to encourage each other, and I also got to share my presentation with her! However, it was so strange to share with her because she knows it all! She knows every story I have to share and she's also been down this road before because she just finished EDGE! But it was still great to share anyways!

I spent the next morning in Atlanta working on fund raising at Atlanta Bread Company, and then made my way to Cleveland, TN! It's here that one of my mom's best friends, Kathy lives. It is always so wonderful to spend time with her and her family- they've become like family to me over the past 14 years. I'll be honest, with my mom gone, part of me struggles to feel like a daughter anymore, but whenever I come to visit them, I get to experience what that's like again. I am so blessed to have them in my life.

We spent time in Chattanooga and Gatlinburg and it was very refreshing. I think that's another thing I learned on my trip: to let yourself be refreshed. I get so busy and focused on what I have to do, th
at sometimes I forget to take a break and allow freedom to be renewed. We can't do much of anything if we're running on empty, and it was along this road trip that my tank was filled again.

On Sunday, I was blessed again! Zach, a fellow EDGEr, lives in TN, so we were able to plan a time to meet up halfway between us! It was so great to see someone again who knows exactly what I'm going through. We spent some time sharing stories of our F2Fs and how we were doing so far, as well as encouraged each other to keep going strong! Through this I was reminded of yet another lesson: I am not in this alone! I have tons of friends who are doing the same thing at this very same time, and we are all experiencing the same emotions, challenges, and victories. Though we are spread out across the U.S. we are all in this together, for one reason- to get on campus and impact students through the gospel.

Once I returned back to Cleveland, I was able to sit down with Kathy and Mika and share my presentation with them. It was SO good to share with them! This is one F2F I have b
een looking forward to since I came on staff! They love the Lord and were so encouraging and supportive. And it was amazing to share the whole story, because they knew me even before I was a Christian, they know the long and hard journey I've been on, because they've been on it with me. I was so blessed by them and their encouragement; they committed to being an anchor donor! Praise God!!!! I am constantly amazed at the Lord's provision.

The following night, Kathy had invited several friends and neighbors over for snacks and desserts and to hear my story and presentation. My first small group! It went very well. It wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be! Again, I was amazed at how this process is not just about getting on campus, which is the end goal, but the journey getting there is all about ministry! There were a few senior boys who will be going off to college next year, and I pray that this grows a curiosity in them for Jesus and for college ministry. I pray they find a ministry when they get on campus next year!

And if that weren't enough, I found out the next morning that Kathy and Mika had another small group opportunity for me to share that night with their small group from church. But get this: it's a biker group! That's right, you know the groups of motorcycles you see riding arou
nd town, leather pants and jackets, Harley gear and all. I have only been on the back of a motorcycle twice in my life. Immediately, I was intimidated about sharing with them. Me? Share my story in front of a crowd of tough, Harley-riding bikers? I began to wonder what they would think of this young, blond girl from Florida, a girl who wears pearls and pink, who wanted to share her testimony and God's call on her life. Really, God? I can't do this, I thought. But, as God has proved over and over again, He is faithful. It was through this experience that I learned a lesson on judging people. Now, don't get me wrong, I wasn't judging them in a way that I thought anything bad about them; I simply judged the fact that they were bikers so I assumed pieces of a stereotype, that we would have nothing in common and that they wouldn't be interested in anything I had to say. Well, I was wrong. We met at a little restaurant down the street in a back room and even though I might have looked out of place, I didn't feel like it.

There were about 18 of us as we ate dinner together, and I got to know a couple of them a little better. Even though they may ride motorcycles, they were just really down to earth and normal people! It was great! At the end of dinner, one of the men asked if I would like to share with the group- Kathy introduced me, and I shared my presentation. As I stood in front of them to share and looked around the room at these new faces I no longer saw a group of bikers. I began to see a group of believers, which is exactly what they were! Their smiles and approving glances made me realize that they were for me, not against me! After I finished, many of them came up to me and genuinely thanked me for sharing, that they were really encouraged by my story and excited for what I'll be doing. I got to talk to a couple people more personally and share even more of my heart with them! I don't know how God plans on using that opportunity, but we'll see as I follow up with them! Don't judge a book by its cover and don't be afraid to step out and take big risks. Lesson learned.

I had to leave to head back to Tampa the next morning, but I left feeling really encouraged about the people I had met with and the time I was able to spend with them. God really is good. Here's to unexpected opportunities, time with friends, making the most out of each day, and always learning lessons along life's journey.

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