This summer I live in a home called Joyful House. This is the perfect name for many reasons. The obvious being that this house is full of joy. I walk in and my heart feels at rest. The women on our team are living and sharing the house with the permanent roommates Kanako, Miki, and Usa. They are wonderful and have been so loving, generous and helpful to us since we arrived.
The other morning I woke up listening to the sound of the rain falling outside and Kanako singing worship songs on her guitar. This is the home of joy.
This is also a place where many of the Japanese students gather together for Bible discussions. Tonight is Joyful Night; we serve dinner, play games, share stories, and discuss the Bible all night long with about 15-20 freshman students involved in the BEST club. The house is not very big, so with that many people inside it gets very crowded, but it doesn't matter because this is a house full of joy when people gather here.
Our house has a sort of open door policy. People are constantly coming and going. At the beginning, I wasn't even sure who lived here! When the door opens, we never know who is walking in, but all are welcome. I simply hear a joyful "Kon'nichiwa!" from the doorway. Students will often come here between classes and work on their assignments because we live close to campus. There have been several nights I've gone to bed with students still studying, and when I wake up the next morning, they're asleep on our couch!
Joyful House is also a perfect name for my home this summer because of what God has been doing in my heart recently. It's no secret the past four years of my life have been painful and full of sorrow. I have pleaded with God to bring joy into my life again. Two verses that I have been specifically praying are Job 8:21,
"He will yet fill your mouth with laughter
and your lips with shouts of joy."
and Psalm 103:5,
"Bless the Lord, O my soul...who satisfies you with good
so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's."
This summer is a turning point in God's restoration of my youth. I'm starting to feel young again. I laugh a lot more, I find joy in so many small things. Japan has been a sign of God's goodness; I have been satisfied deep in my soul. I love it here. It has been full of peace, rest, love, joy and hope. So many of the things I felt lacking for so long. This summer is God's good gift. I get to love people all summer long out of the overflow of my heart! My Japanese friends bring so much joy into my life, and I love that I get to share the reason for the hope that I have with them. Not only is the house I live in a Joyful House, so is my heart.
Does it ever bring me joy reading this! I am so thanking the Lord for how He's led you there and so rejoicing over what He's at work doing in your life and heart and in those around you! Bless the LORD, O my soul!!!! Truly all that is within me right now is blessing His Holy Name!!!! :0)