I've been thinking about how very blessed I am to have this job, even though it's been exhausting so far! My job is to love college students!! This is done by leading a small group Bible study, one-on-one discipleship, planning large group events, reaching out to students who are curious about Jesus and the Bible, offering advice and encouragement, and simply serving students in any way I can (i.e., picking students up from the hospital like yesterday afternoon!)
So far I am really loving our small group Bible study. Tonight is the third week we'll be getting together to discuss God's word, what it means for our lives, and how we can live it out in a practical way. We're doing a Foundations Study, taking a look at the basics of what it means to follow the Lord. Last week we learned about making Christ the center and Lord of our lives, and tonight we'll be discussing the importance of memorizing Scripture.
I am leading this study with a student leader named Hannah, and what a blessing it is to be working with her as an insider! She is very relational and intentional, which has been a huge help in meeting and relating with girls in Kellum, her dorm. So far 8 girls have come to the study and I think two more might come tonight. What a fun group of girls!! They are all very different, but somehow it works! God is good at bringing people together to learn from each other like that. Honestly, the past couple weeks as I drive home after Bible study, I just praise God as I drive. I am blown away that I have the privilege of working with these students, and I am continuously brought back to 1 Thessalonians 2:8:
"We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us."
I know I've only known these girls for a few weeks, but I already love each of them! I can see their hunger to know God more and their desire to get connected to others. I love their hearts and personalities! It is an absolute delight every Wednesday night to get together as a group and share the gospel with them. And more than that, to share my life with them! I get to meet with them outside of Bible study too! Whether it's going to Wakulla Springs, math tutoring (I still get my math fix :), or getting a meal together, it has been a blessing so far to share life with these girls! They really have become so dear to me, and the year has only begun! That leaves me so excited to see what God has in store for the rest of the year!
I am also reminded of something else Paul wrote, this time to the church in Corinth:
"So I will very gladly spend for you everything I have and expend myself as well. If I love you more, will you love me less?"
(2 Corinthians 12:15)
Sometimes ministry isn't planned or expected. That's part of the job- skipping a meal because something comes up, having to go to the hospital to pick up students instead of working on admin stuff, staying up late because a student is having guy problems and just needs to talk it out. I've experienced a lot of that so far; ministry is caring for others' needs at all times. See a need, meet a need. I have to always remind myself to have the same attitude Paul had in ministry, to very gladly spend all that I have (time, money, energy) and expend myself as well for the sake of the gospel! I am glad. I am so very glad :)
So as I mentioned before, tonight we have Bible study. Pray that the girls continue to make it a priority and come out again this week to get into the word together with us. Pray for open hearts as we build community. Pray that lives would be changed as they begin to see what it means to walk with Christ. Thank you all for your prayers and support! I couldn't be here without you!
This is an answer to prayer. I am so glad God has provided many opportunities for you to love students well and for you to enjoy it!